sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Cego é quem não enxerga o que esta na sua frente.

     "It is clear," stressed the bearded night elf, "that the point of focus must be Zin-Azshari! There is where these abominations originated and there is where we must strike!"

     Rumbles of approval swept over the night elves gathered to listen to him. Cut off the foe at his most critical point. Without Zin-Azshari to strengthen them, the demons already on the field would surely fall to defeat.

     Ravencrest leaned toward his audience. "But is it not merely monsters from beyond we face! In Zin-Azshari, we confront a most duplicitous foe - our own kind!"
     "Death to the Highborne!" someone shouted.
     "Yes! The Highborne! It is they, led by the queen's advisor, Lord Xavius, who have brought this calamity upon us! It is they who now must face our swords and lances and pay for their crimes!" The Nobles' countenance grew even more grim. "And it is they who hold our dear Azshara, the Light of Lights!"
     Someone next to Malfurion muttered, "They remain blind even now."
     He turned to see the red-haired mage, Rhonin. Although a foot shorter, the odd-looking figure was broader of build and loked as much as fighter as a master wizard. The only human among them - the only human anywhere as far as Malfurion knew - Rhonin caused comment merely by existing. The night elves, haughty and prejudiced when it came to other races, treated him with deference because of his power, but few would have invited him into their homes.
     And even less likely to recieve such an invitation was the grotesque, brutish figure next to him, one almost as tall as Malfurion but built like a bear. Slung on his back was a huge, twin-edged battle ax that appeared made of wood, yet somehow gleamed like steel.
     "Those who do not see the truth in battle march willingly to defeat," grunted the tusked, green-skinned warrior, his philosophical words belying his savage form.
     Broxigar - or Brox, as he preferred to be called - shook his head at the night elves' unwavering devotion to their queen. Rhonin's cynical smirk in response of the orc's words only added to Malfurion's discomfort at how his people appeared to the outsiders. They could readily see what few of his kind other then himself could - that Azshara had to know what happened in the palace.


     "It doesn't matter what they think," Illidan interjected from in front of him. "They'll attack Zin-Azshari either way and the end result will be the same. No more demons."

     "And what if Azshara comes out and tells them that she's seizes control of the demons from the Highborne, and that everyone's now safe?" Rhonin countered pointedly. "What if she tells her people to lay down their arms, that the battle's over? And then what if the Burning Legion falls on Ravencrest and the rest while the queen laughs at their folly?"
     Illidan had nothing to say to that, but Brox did. He gripped the hilt of his dagger and muttered under his breath, "We know her betrayal. We know. We make sure this queen plays no tricks . . ."


     Malfurion frowned, caught between the remants of his own devotion to Azshara and his realization that eventually someone would have to put an end to the queen if the world hoped to survive this monstrous invasion. 


QUALQUER semelhança entre Night Elf e nós mesmos, e (o ex-papa Nazizinger + religiões) e Queen Azshara é mera reali....coincidencia. Cada dia que leio mais, fico pensando se os autores não ficam fazendo críticas "pesadas" à realidade da humanidade atual e - da maioria - das religiões.

P.S: Broxigar, seu lindo, vem k me dar um beijo (L)

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