sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2013


     "In frustration, he glared at one of the causes of his dilemma. Neltharion spoke merrily with Malygos, the latter's back turned to the other waiting dragons. The huge black stretched his wings and nodded at some remark by his gleaming counterpart. Had they been human, dwarves, or some other mortal race, the pair would have looked quite at home drinking ale in a tavern. The Lesser races saw the dragons as either monstrous beasts or dignified founts of wisdom, when in truth their characters were in some ways as earthy as the tiny creatures over which they watched."

O que podemos tirar disso: As vezes as pessoas esquecem que quase todos os seres vivos compartilham dos mesmos sentimentos, desejos e comportamentos, e se deixam levar pelo preconceito e discriminação antes de conhecer, a fundo, o outro lado.

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